Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm joinging the blogging world. How high tech is that? Ok so I'm only a few years behind everyone, but that just means I don't go with the flow like a lemming, right?
Today is my 5th wedding anniversary, which is half a decade, and longer than most Hollywood marriages, so at least on this front I'm ahead of the crowd. Tony and I still love each other and even like each other most of the time. (Examples of when we wouldn't like each other... Tony snoring in the middle of the night... Stacey whining because she's bored and her job sucks... lame stuff like that.) We probably won't do much because Tony has a big test tomorrow, but there has been talk to planning some big event to celebrate our anniversary and Christmas. Maybe a cruise in January, or just a vacation somewhere. We're undecided as of yet.
Anyway feel free to comment, and I'll try not to be a lazy blogger, and post enough to make your visit here interesting.

1 comment:

Cameron/Melissa said...

Wow amazing! I forgot it was your anniversary. Congrats on that. Five years is pretty big. Have a good day.