Saturday, October 4, 2008



It's who I am...

I am... Stacey
I travel the world.
I Have.... trouble sitting still.
I Wish..... to always be a size 6 or 8, even when I eat all the chocolate in the world.
I Hate... folding laundry, and cleaning in general.
I Fear... spiders and being really poor.
I Hear.... my ceiling fan spinning round and round and a neighbor vacuuming their car. Or maybe it's Tony. wouldn't that be nice?
I Search... for good bargains and free things.
I Always... get bored. Also I spoil my nieces. Ask them, they'll tell you.
I Usually... watch too much TV.
I Am Not... friendly enough.
I miss... being a size 4 like I was at my wedding. Oh and I guess I miss my sister Melissa, little sister Amanada, and my nieces. Maybe my brother once in a while. (I can't miss my mom, she lives with me.)
I love... the ocean, chocolate, and Tony. (Not necessarily in that order.)
I Never.... feel like I have enough money.
I Rarely... do things with other women who aren't family. Seems like I'm always working, when they are home with the kids.
I Cry... when I'm angry. Not so much when I'm sad, but make me mad and you better pull out the umbrella.
I am Not Always... nice. I can be too judgemental.
I Lose... words and names. I never remember peoples names, and I can't always think of the right word, even though it's on the tip of my tongue.
I'm Confused... when it comes to logical things. I don't think the same way other people do.
I Need... activities outside of the house.
I Should... clean more. Maybe.
I Dream... about owning a house close to a beach that is somewhat private, decorating it with imported furniture and things from places I've been to, having friends and family come for visits, walking along the beach and finding neat things that have washed up there, and of course travelling.

I tag... Amber, and anyone else who wants to.

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