Today was their last day and Tony was able to steal a little bit of time away from a very busy work season to head to the World Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium with us.
We had to make a somewhat early start to beat the heat. It was in the upper 80's today, and we did not want to be caught in that.

I enjoyed this zoo. It was not very crowded, and there was a decent variety of animals. I also liked how up close we were able to get to some of them. For instance there were these beautiful electric colored peacocks wandering the park. They would let you walk almost right up to them, and there was one that almost ate out of my hand. (He seemed inclined to try it, if jittery excited kids would have held still for a bit.)
They also make an interesting call, which I suppose would be annoying if it were outside my window in the morning, but which only added to the ambiance of a zoo.

Another favorite of mine was the giraffe stand. They have pellets for feeding, and there was this one giraffe that was enthusiastically licking up the proffered treats.

He would let you scratch his nose or face and was not opposed to holding still for a photo op.

I would have liked to see an elephant or a rhino, but I'm wondering if maybe we just missed a loop or a turn somewhere. I didn't care enough to check a map, as I was ready to be out of the sun after about 5 hours.

1 comment:
This is going to be the weirdest comment you have ever gotten on your blog...I apologize in advance. My name is Mckay Harris and I am looking for my friend Gina Madsen who is an RN. She and I worked at UVRMC together years ago. I googled her name and your blog popped up. Is the Gina on your side bar the same Gina? If so, can you please tell her I have been looking for her? Thanks so much.
mckay.harris (at) gmail (dot) com
I am also in facebook as Mckay Webb Harris
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