Thursday, June 18, 2009

My sister visited for the Weekend

We have started doing away with the yellow paint in our kitchen and family room. My sister and her family came for the weekend to help. Cameron did a great job edging and everyone worked hard with the painting.

Of course the girls had to swim at least twice a day. Our pool is much more fun with kids. They jump, dive and are much more fun to chase.


Christia said...

sooo fun!! I can't wait to decorate my own house!

Stacey and Tony said...

It's fun, but at the same time I want to go out and buy all this stuff! There's like a mile long list of things we actual need and then another mile of wants. Oh well, I just have to remember that I don't need to have it looking perfect right away.

Cameron/Melissa said...

You need to put pictures of the brown and blue once you guys get it finished!

familybrew7 said...

You have such cute little ones to visit! I hear ya about the list's they are never ending aren't they? You are showing great patience to refrain from retail therapy all in the name of "for the house" :)